Now, I'm in Costa Rica!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween weekend!

My second trip to the base was yet another success.  More laying out, more good food, more alcohol…what more could a girl ask for.  Add boat trips, dancing & a WorldTeach reunion to the list.  Plus, I got to dress up for Halloween; something that the Marshallese don’t necessarily all partake in. 

On Friday, Liz & I were ready to get the heck out of Gugeegue.  It’s been a long time coming, but the past 2 weeks have just been a slippery slope leading to our demise.  Never before have I actually yearned to get away for a bit until this weekend.  People must not have been lying when they said you age like 5 years during your one year of teaching in the RMI.  Warawar (Oh my…..).  Saturday we laid out at the pool, ate more home cooked food, and went out on a private boat with some guys we had met during our last stay.  They were going diving so we tagged along to snorkel.  We actually ended up drinking them out of beer & not snorkeling at all.  Success?  Yes.  We went out later that night to the well known Snake Pit.  It was a joint birthday party for everyone who had birthdays in October I think.  Coronas were $1, plus we saw most of the people we had met during our last visit.  Even better, there was an awesome DJ that played everything Liz could come up with (thank goodness we have very similar tastes in music).  It was so much fun.  A much needed release of all of the pent up energy that’s been stirring in me for the past month.  Sunday we took a boat trip to Bigej, an island that is two north of Gugeegue.  (so it goes from south to north: Kwaj (army base), 2 little islands, Ebeye, South Loi, North Loi, Gugeegue, Nge, Bigej).  It was beautiful & full of jungle.  The water was even more blue than that near Gugeegue & the snorkeling was better, too!  Later that night we scrambled for Halloween costumes, met up with Anna (the other WorldTeach that teaches up on Santo, near Roi, the other base), and went to the Vet’s Hall.  There was a band, lots of good costumes, etc.   The night ended really late and not without any added excitement.  Liz & Anna- thank you. 

The fun ended bright and early on Monday morning.  After only 2 hours of sleep, I was on a boat headed back to Ebeye.  We caught a ride on the school bus.  Thank goodness I fell asleep listening to my iPod otherwise I probably would have caused a scene stemming from the car/”causeway” sickness combo.  School ended up starting late as one of the buses was broken after the first trip.  I barely survived the transition from mini-America to Gugeegue/reality, but I made it through the day. 

The weekend went way too quickly.

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